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Gladie Cabin
The Gladie Cabin is a lovely place to have a ceremony if you are wanting a rustic feel of the pioneer days of the Red River Gorge. While walking to the wedding site, your guest will pass a historic barn and cabin from the 1800’s. After the ceremony, they are welcome to tour the grounds and walk through the barn and check out it’s historical artifacts.
There are so many options for this site. You can have your ceremony with the cabin in the background or one of two barns. The old farming plows and tools out in the field make for a beautiful backdrop as well.
Package this site is available for: Whippoorwill, Deluxe, and Sandstone Packages
Number of guest this site accommodates: 0 up to 40 guest
Hike: Moderate. Guest will need to walk through a gentle sloping field about the length of a football field. If you choose “Backside Cabin” one vehicle may be allowed to drive down to the site to drop off guest who might not be able to make the walk (please note: if you choose the areas other than “The Backside”, all guest will need to walk to site).
Traffic Flow: Moderate to busy depending on the day of the week and time of year. It’s pretty much empty from early evening on.
Due to heavy traffic flow, no ceremonies at this location on Saturdays/Sundays during the months of May and October.
Best time: Late afternoon to Early evening.
Note for Whippoorwill Packages: This site is a distance from our other ceremony locations and is only available depending on our schedule for that day…inquire with Stephanie before selecting this location on your form.
Chairs: Not feasible or safe…land is sloped.
Accessibility: This trail is wheelchair accessible as long as the wheelchair can easily roll through the grass. With a little helping hand, older folks should be able to walk this.
Footwear needed for this trail: Any footwear is suitable for this trail, but comfortable shoes are suggested. You will be standing in grass…heels could sink if the ground is soft.
Want to visit this site on your own to check it out? Get directions HERE